6 Feb 2015

Annus horribills

It’s been a year. I’d love to say it’s been a great year, or a fantastic one, or even mention that it’s been an eventful one... in the sort of tone which means unexpected and yet wonderful things have happened. For me, it’s just been a year.
It wasn’t a good year. This blog will be a year and a day old. Go figure. Time keeps happening, whether we want it to or not. I've been doing a lot of looking in at myself and how long its taken me to get here. I've done a lot of soul searching in that time and found the place a little emptier and arid than I’d have expected. Or maybe not.
I finally got into the habit of writing, and then got out of it, and mostly just floundered around for a long time. Nowadays I accept that I’m kind of there, but more so than a year ago.
I wrote about people who were emotional, and over the top, and who were raw and real. I’m a writer, I made that stuff up all the time. When I finally take a quick look back over the year, I need to remember that somewhere in those last three hundred-sixty something days, I learned something. I need to remember that it wasn’t all loss. That there were also good times. There are always good times.
There were wins. If someone does come across this blog and gets to reading, then I’d like to make one request of you.
Whatever it is - the thing that you want to do, but have never tried to do it seriously - give it a shot. Just try. And then try again. And keep on trying. You’ll get better at it, and you’ll have found your happy.
Happy can be its own reward. Go find you some happy. If it’s something creative, even better, but that’s not important. Go for a walk. Watch a plane fly across the sky; heck, make imaginary shapes up in the clouds if that’s what does it for you, but do something. Actively get out there and get you some happy. It might not be perfect, but enjoy it for the intent at least as much as the thing itself.

Get your happy on. Do life.

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